H+Y Regulatory Graphics Consultants
   Beauty Packaging Graphics for the Global Marketplace   

Service: Instruction

All instructional sessions and workshops are custom-made to suit the needs of the client. Questionnaires and surveys are done prior to content and format preparation to establish the level of attendee understanding of the regulatory packaging graphics issues. Manuals are created for future reference as requested. Manuals may also be created without a workshop.
+ Regulatory Instruction & Workshops to Packaging Design/Production Staff
The purpose of this service is to instruct the staff involved in the creation of packaging what the regulations are for the market they are selling in. These sessions could include the Client's Marketing, Design and Production Teams. The sessions would be tailor-made and are focused on any particular client need. Some of the topics are: USA OTC & Drug Facts Panel; NEW Sunscreen Monograph for the USA: DIN & NHP for Canada; cosmetics for the USA, Canada and the EU; primaries verses secondaries; samples; exceptions and alternate labeling, etc.

+ Regulatory Graphics Manuals for Packaging & Design
This service is done in collaboration with the Client's Legal, Regulatory & Design Teams and establishes a regulatory standard for all packaging graphics. Manuals are created as necessary for a single area of distribution, or a combination of areas as requested by the Client. To include the actual regulation for reference, plus illustrations and examples for easy understanding.

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